How to Practice Mindful Eating Over Passover

How to Practice Mindful Eating Over Passover

Filed Under: Holiday Eating

5 April 2023 | Written by Xenia Ayiotis

“Gam zu l’tova. This too is for the good.”
– Nachum Ish Gamzu, Talmud, Taanit, 21a –

“When things get “hard” it reminds me that this too is for the best and I need to reorient my thinking to this realization.”
– Rabbi Yitz Greenman –

Thank you to all my Jewish friends and clients for sharing your Pesach food challenges. I have selected the most prominent difficulties with food and suggested a different way of approaching them with a mindfulness point of view. This one specifically relates to Pesach. I have also written a few pieces on how to handle food and the holidays.

Pre-Pesach Cleaning and Shopping

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
– Viktor Frankl –

Yes, cleaning out the kitchen and house and shopping for kosher foods is a hassle! It takes time, work and effort. If it’s something you dread perhaps this year it’s time do things differently and put the drama aside?  How you handle this, is in your attitude. If you have chosen to do it – how can you bring a joyful attitude to cleaning? Could you see this as an opportunity for cleansing on all levels – not just the home? As an opportunity to clean out old beliefs and thoughts that are not serving you? Habits that are destructive? You could approach the cleaning on a spiritual and soul level. Ask yourself what in my life needs to be cleansed?

What attitude will you choose to bring to the cleaning, shopping, preparing of food this Pesach?

Food Restriction, Dissatisfaction and Deprivation

“In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.”
– Viktor Frankl –

Having food rules and eliminating food groups is especially triggering for those of us recovering from years of dieting. It’s also triggering for those who have never dieted. It is hard not to be able to eat what you want when you want it. Not eating bread can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and deprivation.

How can we create meaning from this restriction? Remember it’s a choice.

Let’s put this into perspective – remind yourself it’s 8 days out of 365 days of the year, it’s not forever, this will pass. It’s also an opportunity to release dependency on certain foods. You have a chance to pause, make space and embrace the change. Instead of resisting and dreading the restriction – how can you change your attitude towards this restriction?

A Buddhist teacher Shinzen Young said:


Pain is part of life – no point denying it. However, suffering is optional.
Pain without resistance is simply pain.
Yes, having forbidden foods imposed on you is painful. However, resistance and dread create more suffering.
If you allowed it to be as it is – it would simply be painful without the additional suffering.
Can you allow the discomfort of not being able to eat what you want and not resist it?
Can you allow yourself to experience what deprivation feels like? How it feels to long for certain foods?
Can you bring an attitude of gentleness and curiosity to these feelings rather than judgement for experiencing them?

Long Seders

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
– Viktor Frankl –

Yes, the Seder is long – some things take time.
Can you let it be as long as it needs to be?
Create an intention for Pesach. Stay in the present as much as you can. This is a time of reflection and a time for connection. Think about the meaning of this time and create an intention that feels good and meaningful.
Is it to connect with family and friends in a meaningful way?
Is it to connect spiritually?
Is it to get through this time with grace and ease?

Whatever it is, decide ahead of time and try not to create drama in your mind about how long it is. When you notice yourself going into drama about how difficult it is, can you gently go into grace and acceptance?

Perhaps use the time around the table to create meaning, ask meaningful questions, create connection and memories. Reflect on what really matters – the sharing, passing on of stories and traditions.

Mindfulness is paying attention to this moment, this experience with openess and curiosity and a willingness to be with whatever arises. How can you bring this attitude into the long Seders?

Be with the joy but in the same way can you be with hunger or boredom or perhaps longing of people who are not with you? Can you allow and be with the unpleasant and the pleasant knowing that both will pass?

Rich Foods

Allow yourself to have these foods. Do not try to eliminate them or say you will resist them because chances are you will land up overeating them. Don’t judge the foods or judge yourself for eating them, this only leads to feelings of guilt.

Eat them!
Enjoy them!
Savour them!
Stop when your body has had enough.

Fear of Hunger and Overeating

You can never have enough of what you don’t want. Matza pizza will never be the same as dough pizza – kosher sweets don’t always taste as nice as non-kosher sweets. Instead of chasing the taste rather look at eating other foods.

You will get hungry and you will most likely overeat. Remind yourself that it will pass. Can you be with the discomfort? It’s just a matter of time. Get your inner nurturer on your side. Your thinking determines if it will be easier or harder.

You may also feel full and uncomfortable because of the foods and amounts that you need to eat. Again remember it’s only for a few days. You will digest your food. The physical discomfort is only for a short space of time – try not to add another layer of emotional or mental pain to the physical pain.

Be mindful of your thoughts during Pesach

  • I’ve blown it so let me just carry on
  • This is so hard
  • That’s enough
  • I shouldn’t
  • I mustn’t
  • Who cares
  • I will start again next week … after Pesach

Replace these thoughts with:

  • This is hard but I am learning how to deal with discomfort
  • I would love some bread but I can manage for a few more days, it’s not the end of the world
  • It’s only 8 days
  • It’s painful but I don’t need to suffer
  • I am learning to be okay with deprivation and restriction
  • I am learning to be patient with long Seders

Every meal is an opportunity to practice, learn and start again. Learn from the previous meal and apply it to the next. We are aiming for progress NOT perfection. Imperfect action!
Take it meal by meal; moment by moment and bite by bite.

Post Pesach backlash on forbidden foods

After a period of having restricted foods, it’s normal to want to overeat the foods that have been forbidden. Can you bring your awareness to these foods when you eat them? Give yourself permission to eat them and eat slowly with your full attention.
Practice the BASICS of mindful eating (a free PDF download for you).
Mostly enjoy them! Most importantly, if you have overeaten them, don’t beat yourself up!

This is a joyful time. Bring an Attitude of Gratitude … for family and friends, for togetherness around the table, for community, tradition and religion and all the ties that bond us.

This Passover and always

May you be free from suffering around food
May you be happy and joyful
May you be peaceful
May there be joy in your home


“From our first meeting - two faces on Zoom across the world from each other, there was a sense of familiarity and comfort that was a healing balm for a lifetime of food struggles and dieting. Without realizing how much damage I had done to myself by adhering, for decades, to restrictive food plans and rigid diet programs, Xen had a way of redirecting the harsh and negative self-talk and sending me forth each week with compassion, mindfulness and a new way of seeing myself in the here and now. Gone are the maybe somedays, and if-only, and when-I’m-smaller thinking. Now I am committed to the imperfect and rocky path to listening to my body, accepting my perfect imperfections, and rejecting diet mentality. Those negative voices will revisit me from time to time, I know, but Xen has offered valuable tools for meeting each day as a fresh start - another choice, another chance. Her devotion to this work and her belief in her clients is a remarkable gift; I am so fortunate to have found her. It is never too late to let go of the drama and embrace joy, ease and self-acceptance.”

Karen L, Denver, USA

“I felt hopeless and helpless in my daily struggle with mindless eating for many years. Then I found Xen which is exactly what I needed! My decision to work with her helped me to finally repair my relationship with food. It's changing my life for the better, one day at a time. Now I have control over the food, instead of it having control over me, which is the way it should be. I highly recommend Xen to anyone who has a desire to overcome similar food struggles. Xen, thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Karen J, Colorado, USA

“I reached out to Xenia because 2021 started on a tumultuous note for me. Between deaths, businesses suffering, hospitalizations, and job losses in our personal circle, I felt depleted and found myself being available for everyone but myself. Then I was hit with an unexpected health diagnosis, which was the last straw as it meant giving up “healthy foods” and workouts that I leaned on for my well-being and stability. Despite working in wellness (Yes, coaches and healers are vulnerable too!), I found myself reaching out to desserts for comfort. I like to live a life of permissions (not labels or deprivation leading to bingeing), so I wanted to work with someone who approached healing from a place of mindful compassion. I didn’t want to be my own client. Xenia was great in reminding me to be kind to myself. Working with her, brought me peace and helped shift my mindset. I love how desserts and I look at each other now.”

Sweta Vikram, New York, USA

“Working with Xenia was amazing. She armed me with a bunch of tools to help me through difficult times. Xenia is the kind of person who really cares for helping you in the long run. Her work will forever have an impact in my life.”

Daniela Velásquez, Ottawa, Canada

“Working with Xen was a game changer for me. After working together for a few months my relationship with food radically changed. I no longer felt like a failure. I now have the tools to nourish my body with foods that feel good in my body. I don’t feel guilty about eating cake or chocolate, I also don’t overeat cake and chocolate. I no longer feel the need to exercise to compensate for my eating. I feel much more free around eating and I am more accepting of my body. Xen has a nonjudgmental and compassionate approach to coaching and really supports you in the process.”

Rachel, Dublin, Ireland

“Working with Xen has been very empowering. Her approach is so refreshing from the usual. I have learned that I am in charge and that I get to choose what I put in my body and how to move my body in a way that I like! I get to make my own choices. It’s so liberating. Once you get a taste of freedom with food, there is no turning back to old ways! Thanks Xen for guiding me along the way to freedom.”

Heather B, Cork. Ireland

“This is the answer for those of you that struggle with food and all that surrounds it. Xenia said that I could make peace with food and it seemed at the time like an impossible dream. Turns out it isn’t. I recommend Xen and the mindful eating / intuitive eating approach unreservedly. If you have any questions about my experience, please get in touch. Thank you Xen. My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”

Michelle, Johannesburg, South Africa

“Xenia was a walking, living, breathing example of what can be done. I laughed and cried my way through a short course in this fascinating and invigorating programme with her, and have gained a designer tote full of coping skills that go way beyond containing kilogrammes. I feel infinitely lighter. I am doing this for me and, yes, you can do this for you too! And believe me, I’m cynical!”

Diana, Vancouver, Canada

“I don’t obsess about food like I used to. I am thinking differently about food and feeling so much more relaxed around all types of food. It’s wonderful to have pleasure and satisfaction from eating.”

Sarah, Illinois, USA

“I learned a new way of thinking about food. I have learned that food is not the enemy and that it can actually be enjoyed with no guilt.”

Sandy, London, United Kingdom

Certified by The Life Coach School Certified and Trained by The Original Intuitive Eating Pro Professional Member of The Center for Mindful Eating